::dir_ls("my_folder", regexp = ".*\\.shp$") %>%
fs::map_dfr(sf::read_sf) purrr
This post is a mess. See the updated version.
(it seems that as of 2020-12-27, it works);dplyr::bind_rows
doesn’t work on {sf} objectsbase::rbind
needs the objects to have the same structure and only works on two tables and so that’s not straightforward to use1.
→ So we’ll use purrr::map
and tidyr::unnest
NB : now in 2021, I advise to simply use:
or now in 2023, because map_dfr()
is being superseded:
::dir_ls("my_folder", regexp = ".*\\.shp$") %>%
fs::map(sf::read_sf) %>%
purrr::bind_rows() dplyr
dir_ls("my_folder", regexp = ".*\\.shp$") %>%
::map(sf:::read_sf) %>%
purrr::list_rbind() %>%
purrr::st_sf() sf
As of October 2019 this method doesn’t work any longer, due to an update in the vctrs package.
So your best bet is to have the same structure in your shapefile and use:
dir_ls("shp", glob = "*.shp") %>%
map(read_sf) %>%
do.call(rbind, .)
It works again with vctrs 0.2.2 (February 2020)
First get some data, the communes of three french départements:
# https://fr.actualitix.com/blog/shapefiles-des-departements-de-france.html
<- c("https://fr.actualitix.com/blog/actgeoshap/01-Ain.zip",
url "https://fr.actualitix.com/blog/actgeoshap/73-savoie.zip",
<- str_extract(url, "\\d{2}.*$")
list(url, dep) %>%
pwalk(~ GET(.x, write_disk(.y)))
walk(dep, unzip, junkpaths = TRUE, exdir = "shp")
We can then create a 3 rows data frame containing a list-column in which we store the sf object. Then we just unnest it. This operation erases the sf-class, we have to add it back.
<- dir_ls("shp", glob = "*.shp") %>%
res tibble(fname = .) %>%
mutate(data = map(fname, read_sf)) %>%
unnest(data) %>%
st_sf() %>%
write_sf(res, "shp/3dep.shp")
res st_transform(4326) %>%
leaflet() %>%
addPolygons() %>%
Bonus: we have the source filename stored in the resulting shapefile.
We could have used:
dir_ls("shp", glob = "*.shp") %>% map(read_sf) %\>% do.call(rbind, .)
but the column structure doesn’t match here…↩︎