Day 6 of 30DayMapChallenge: « Raster » (previously).
What was the temperature at your birth place when you were born?
Copernicus provides many climate datasets. We can use ERA5 post-processed daily statistics on single levels from 1940 to present to display the weather on your birth date.
Some packages help to download and manipulate ERA5 data ({KrigR}, {Ag5Tools}, {ecmwfr}, or directly by the CDS API,…) but for this one shot, we’ll do a manual download from the web interface.
You need to create a (free) account first.
Then we can chose the product:
- Reanalysis
- 2m temperature
- Date : 1970 / January / 01 (for example)
- Daily mean
- 1-hourly
<- rast("") |>
temperature rotate()
<- temperature - 273.15
temperature crs(temperature) <- "+proj=longlat"
<- project(temperature, "+proj=eqearth") temperature
main = "Mean temperature on 1970-01-01",
axes = FALSE,
col = map.pal("magma"))